Hire Right

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival

One of the most important elements of employee management occurs when selecting the right employee(s). Whether you are bringing on your first employee or are looking to retain a staff of hundreds, each new hire has the potential to make your company stronger or cause you unnecessary loss of time and money.

Hiring mistakes cost an estimated average of $14,000 per employee. 

Hiring the right person is an art of sorts – our proven techniques quickly produce results to attract and retain the employees you desire. Sequoia Personnel Services can help you increase your level of retention and reduce turnover.


Expand your Talent Pool

Recent data from the United States Department of Labor shows that the unemployment rate over the last two years has significantly decreased in Humboldt County. As of March of this year, the unemployment rate has decreased to 5.3%, from 7.9% in March of 2014, which creates a more competitive market for employers to find employees. We’ve been assisting large, small and mid-sized employers for more than 35 years. By utilizing Sequoia, you’ll have access to a diverse and experienced hiring team. Our trusted recruiters are here to help you hire the right candidate(s).


Offer the Right Perks

Offering competitive benefits can help you find and hire the right talent. But in order to retain your employees, you must be creative with the perks you offer. Small enticements such as company -organized games, wellness reimbursements and volunteer opportunities make a big impact on your employees. Take the time to review and restructure your current benefits plan to offer the perks that are most important to your workforce.


Customize the Process

Your company culture is unique to you. We’ll help you find the candidates that fit your current needs and will integrate seamlessly with your company dynamics. We’ll perform background checks, education verification and drug screening to ensure you hire the right employee. Looking to hire but can’t seem to find the right fit for the job? We’ll evaluate each candidate’s qualifications, check for required certifications and licensing, and verify work experience.


Select a Hiring Partner

As a business owner, your time, energy and resources are precious commodities. We’ll help alleviate the administrative burden so you can focus on what you do best. Call us at 707-445-9641 to find your workplace solution.
