Time and Attendance

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival:



Tracking time for your employees has never been easier. Using a time and attendance tracking system allows you to manage labor in real time and gives you the tools to measure your labor costs more effectively. These systems provide instant access for tracking attendance, managing overtime and monitoring paid/unpaid time off.

Surviving_CompassThrough our payroll and co-employment services, Sequoia Personnel can help alleviate the burden of time and attendance tracking while reducing clerical errors and simplifying the scheduling process with easy re-occurring schedules and shift templates that are available to you and your employees.


One time and attendance system does not fit all employers. When choosing a system, start by determining what you want to account for in your business.

All time and attendance systems have some basic commonalities. However, with the plethora of time and attendance systems available today, many have services designed to fit specific market niches. It’s also not uncommon for systems to offer integration options with specific accounting software. Whether your focus is job costing and expenses; payroll and leave management; or simply time attendance as a stand-alone service; you’ll be able to select a system that meets your criteria.

With just one or two employees, it is easy to keep on top of how employees perform. As a business adds employees, managing labor becomes increasingly complex. It is very common to create metrics to measure productivity (goals, targets, quotas, etc.) that help you analyze your company goals.

A critical part in the success of any metrics is choosing what to measure. If you use a time and attendance system, make sure that the system allows for your type of metrics. And be sure what you are analyzing does not produce unwanted results. If you change measurements, you may need to consider a different time and attendance system.


Once you have determined what elements you want to manage—to get the most out of your efforts —take the next step by collecting data from your time clock.

Every business is different. Do you want to measure productivity and be able to automatically award production bonuses? If you have a restaurant you may want to break out your labor costs between in house and delivery. Or a restaurant might measure costs labor per shift and compare that to sales. Maybe you have a janitorial company and want to know how much time is spent cleaning each location.

Typically, you will want to compare your labor costs per (shift, job, day, etc.) and relate it to an element of your business that you want to manage.

Managing Time to Reduce your Costs

The key to gaining control of your time is utilizing the resources available to you. Sequoia Personnel Services is committed to providing employers customizable HR solutions to help their businesses thrive. It’s true: time is money, so let us help you find more time to devote to what you do best: taking care of your business! Call us today to discuss implementing a Time and Attendance system that will meet your business needs!
