Introductory and Intermediate level Bookkeeping

Also offered by The Job Market, these classes are coming up and are geared to help individuals looking to transition into the field or those looking to enhance their existing bookkeeping knowledge. The Intro class runs from May 9thJune 27th and the Intermediate class from July 11thAugust 10th.

Both classes can be taken in conjunction or as stand alone, depending on your needs. For those looking to complement a background in office work, the introductory course might be all you need to give you a basic understanding of financial operations. However, if you have prior bookkeeping familiarity, taking the intermediate level class could enhance an existing skill set, making you more employable.

Full scholarships, for ages 16 and older, are offered for these training by the Employment Training Division (ETD) if desired. In addition, those qualifying for a scholarship from ETD have the opportunity for externships  – hands-on practice with what they’re learning in the classroom. These externships are offered in local agencies and businesses and complement classroom instruction.

For more information, just email or call Melissa Furbee at or 707-445-6222.
