Please Train Your People, People

Providing quality education time for your employees should not be measured as a loss of production or valuable work-time.  Employees are generally eager when given opportunities to improve, both in their work environments and also in their lives in general.  When an employee senses they are connected with their employer and they are working within the kind of culture that makes them feel valued and cared about, they will give more and feel more pride about your workplace.

When was the last time you provided training for your supervisors, employees who represent your workplace to the community, or all your staff?


Training Supervisors

Some topics that are considered essential, or even mandatory **, for supervisors and employees who represent your company out in the community.

  • Sexual harassment avoidance **
  • Protected leaves
  • Workplace violence and bullying
  • Investigations reporting and retaliation
  • Substance abuse
  • & more …


All Staff Training Topics

Investing in training for your entire staff may improve performance, efficiencies and even loyalty for those valuable people employed at your workplace.

Training topics:

  • Safety
  • Sexual harassment
  • First aid/CPR
  • Workplace violence and bullying
  • Substance abuse
  • Company ethics and mission
  • & more …

Training doesn’t have to be long or formal.  Some topics can be covered easily at a weekly meeting or impromptu get-together.  Optimize your training by designing for consistency.  A way to ensure consistency is to design and use a written and approved topic content outline. Also, training can be most effective if it is conducted by supervisors and/or a topic subject matter expert.  Many times having a quick test at the end of the training is helpful, even if it is an informal verbal question and answer time, to check on understanding.  If you have a bilingual workforce, it is in the employer’s best interest to also provide training in the languages spoken in the workplace.

Depending on your workplace, training might be mandatory. Certain safety, environmental, human resource and legal topics may be areas your workplace is required to provide training.  Make sure you research which training is mandatory. Also, make sure your training materials meet the topic requirements.  Keep training materials dated, provide sign-in training rosters and ask everyone to make sure they sign it and keep these documents filed for future reference or tracking.

Utilizing work time efficiently for training employees can bring your workforce together, provide valuable information to utilize at work or home, and set the tone for the type of culture you want represented in your workplace.


Debi Callahan, SPS HR Consultant

