SPS staff in the news

A couple of our staff are media, um, floozies and they have gotten more than their share of coverage in the local media this month.


Michael Kraft, who cultivates a-good-guy-not-quite-a-do-gooder persona, got attention for rescuing his dog: (See photo below. 2a48d01e-4dea-4993-96fd-2bc69cff5555The complete article is here:
http://www.times-standard.com/article/NJ/20160305/FEATURES/160309932). Michael has a new blog post up on the Lost Coast Outpost’s LocoJobs page on dressing for success: https://lostcoastoutpost.com/jobs/ He was also on the KHSU Home Page show promoting the Food Summit a couple of weeks ago.


Tomas Chavez wrote a column for the Times Standard’s Business Sense column about interviewing processes in times of low unemployment (employers need to be better and more creative than in times of higher unemployment), which you can find here: http://www.times-standard.com/article/NJ/20160319/BUSINESS/160319852  And in a cruel twist pf fate, Tomas will almost certainly be fined by his fellow Rotarians of Arcata Sunrise for being covered in the paper while performing his duties as (wait for it) a Rotarian.
