Expand your Employees Food Budget

SPSNLMay2015-cal-freshSequoia Personnel is working with the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services to educate employees about the benefits of enrolling in CalFresh *

Many working people, including retail employees, bank tellers, hospitality service workers and more qualify for CalFresh (especially if they are supporting children). Encouraging qualifying employees to participate in CalFresh can increase a family’s budget and results in less turnover from employees seeking a nominal pay increase.
This can:

  • Increase employees’ standard of living
  • Help stabilize a workforce
  • Avoid the high cost of employee turnover
  • Increase CalFresh funds spent and recirculated in the Humboldt County economy

Why is Sequoia involved in CalFresh?

  • Sequoia Personnel is in partnership with DHHS to help educate workers who may not realize they qualify for CalFresh benefits.
  • A great way to reach employees is at their place of employment.  Sequoia offers many ways to educate employees, such as
    • Providing information with pay stubs
    • Providing information on flyers and posters
    • Meeting directly with employees to provide information and answer questions


Contact Michael Kraft at Sequoia Personnel for more information at 707-445-9641 or kraft@sequoiapersonnel.com.


* CalFresh is California’s version of the USDA’s SNAP (supplemental nutrition) program. It promotes healthy eating and adequate nutrition.


The information provided in this blog is intended for general information purposes only. Readers should seek the help of an HR professional for guidance on specific issues.
