Holidays for the Job Seeker

job-seeking-holidaysFiction: December sucks as a time to search for a job.

Fact: it’s harder to find work in some ways over the holidays, but there are two major things to keep in mind: serving in temp jobs and preparing for permanent opportunities come January.

December is a good time of year for many temp assignments. Some employers staff up for the holidays, and some of those with almost no notice. In addition, many full-time workers take extra time off around the holidays and, since much of the work still needs to get done, some employers need to temp some parts of that work out. If you’re out of work, temping can both provide some money but also, and importantly, build your resume and introduce you to potential long-term employers. So if you haven’t been in touch recently, give Tomas or Kris a call at 707-445-9641 and check in with them.

When it comes to the permanent job search in December, remember that finding a permanent job is, as they say, a job itself. Just because potential employers may not be communicative or all that motivated to pull the trigger on a hire in December does not mean that you can’t be doing productive, forward-looking work to enhance your job search. Here are a few to-do list items for the job seeker the next few weeks:

  • Research employers that may be of interest to you;
  • Spruce up whatever applies to your search: your resume and cover letter; your LinkedIn portfolio; etc.
  • Take an online class that increases your chances. In a recent panel discussion in Eureka, employers described how the Microsoft Office Suite, especially Excel, is considered basic literacy for many office positions. Similarly, QuickBooks. Taking a class on one of these could advance your chances and, for that matter, your pay scale. For someone else, it might be watching a specialized welding technique on YouTube, and then practicing it. (To be clear, this would be for people who know enough not to burn the building down around them while welding.)
  • Network…take advantage of parties and other holiday social gatherings to make yourself known. Let people know what you’ll be looking for. Show them you’re excited about the upcoming year and new challenges.
  • Practice interviewing. This is a great thing to make visiting family do with you. What, you’re going to watch the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl (which not only is a real thing, it’s on ESPN)?
  • Write a bunch of letters specifically targeting employers you like. Date the letters January 1, hold onto them and then send them on January 2.

So take Christmas Day and New Year’s Day off…and maybe a couple of others. But for the most part, keep on keeping on.

Not least, happy holidays from all of us here at Sequoia Personnel Services!

The information provided in this blog is intended for general information purposes only. Readers should seek the help of an HR professional for guidance on specific issues.