Did you know?


1. Sequoia Personnel Services, Inc. is unique as a locally-owned, controlled, and operated employment service in Humboldt County? In 1980 Liana Simpson, president, founded Sequoia Personnel. We are local; all of your money stays local and helps our local economy. We are also the longest standing employment service on the North Coast.


2. We are the only full-service employment service? We provide direct hire placement; executive and professional search and placement; national and international recruitment; and now HR consulting services.


3. We are the only recruiters on the North Coast? SPS routinely searches for talent for local companies. Our recruiters are highly skilled and search internationally and nationally. What does this mean? Many local employers believe they cannot find high-end talent, but we know many professionals and executives are attracted to the North Coast and love our area.


4. We are now providing human resource consulting? We have secured three experts who are available to help you out on projects, training, and studies; just about anything you need or have questions about. We have both private sector consultants and public sector consultants.


5.We don’t just send a stack of resumes for you to ‘figure’ out? We provide screening services whereby every candidate gets a thorough interview, testing, and we then match those skills with your specific job needs. Even for our staffing (temporary) services we conduct thorough interviews and match skills and motivation and suitability each and every time. Our staffing business is exploding. We think our professional approach is why!


6. We have state of the art testing services and can provide background checks even for your own hires? Many clients send their prospective hires to our offices for these services. The fees are very reasonable, and give you an advantage when you are hiring on your own.


We are committed to helping employers and job seekers find the right job with the right company and as well as helping employers curb turn-over and create happy workforce – a workforce that is more productive, coming in everyday loving their job!

That is our mission. It’s what gets us up in the morning! The right person every time, guaranteed!


The information provided in this blog is intended for general information purposes only. Readers should seek the help of an HR professional for guidance on specific issues.
