Trusted Advisors

Better serve your clients.


When clients come to you with tricky HR questions –

Proceed confidently and refer them to SPS.

For over 35 years Humboldt county has turned to Sequoia.

Now, we go beyond filling your staffing needs – with our exciting Co-Employment option.  This latest Workplace Solution provides a customized partnership to relieve the burdens and stress that come with being an employer.


Make referring easy – Give clients our Co-Employment flier!

Workplace Solution #6: Co-Employment



Let Our Experts be YOUR Expert

SPS Trusted PartnerPartnering with a HR professional allows clients to move from tactical HR–hiring someone, paying them, answering complaints–to strategic management of their people–retaining the good ones, getting useful data about the business, and the leavening effect that has on their engagement, productivity, customer satisfaction and bottom line.


People truly are the most important asset of most organizations. Managing them well, and in compliance with all those laws, takes somebody’s time. The question is whether all of that time needs to be yours.


Learn more about NEW tools available for your clients.

Contact Michael at