In Search of that Elusive Government Contract

Michael Kraft

SPS-NL-gov-contract-0715-dbOn a day late last year, I was going through bids solicited in California by various government agencies. For someone whose work involves seeking opportunities for public/private partnerships, this is in concept a good idea. In practice, it’s a little mixed.

I find myself reading a solicitation for an “F Neck Insulator.” I have no idea what this is, although the middle school boy in me makes a few lewd guesses. It turns out to be some UV-resistant polyethylene thing, and I move on.

The hospital at Camp Pendleton is seeking maintenance for its Evita series. This intrigues me evoking the lyrical and historical Evita, but then disappoints by being some kind of ventilator. I don’t know why I thought there might be work for us in this, true, but a ventilator?

The Defense Logistics Agency seeks a Wheel, Pneumatic Tire and a Cable Assembly, Special among Things, Other.

I find something that could be useful to one of our partner companies and I take a minute to forward that.

I do this about once a week. I have once found something to bid on and twice now found things that could be good for our customers. It’s tedious, to be sure, but it has its moments.

And, in the end, there is opportunity here for someone, including us Humboldt locals. On the day I found this stuff above, Humboldt County was seeking bids on a cargo van and something called methacrylate treatment for bridges. Down in Fortuna, the CCC was seeking work on its parking lot. And I find one request for services that might actually be in our wheelhouse, and I send off for the bid packet.

If you want to join in, you can get started at There are a few tricks and shortcuts; I’ll share the ones I’ve learned if you get in touch with me. You can also get help with government contracting from the North Coast SBDC and the PTAC folks at Humboldt State (Small Business Development Center and Procurement Technical Assistance Center, respectively)…just Google them.

However you get underway, good luck with that F Neck Insulator!

The information provided in this blog is intended for general information purposes only. Readers should seek the help of an HR professional for guidance on specific issues.
