Exempt/Nonexempt Best Practices

sps-exempt-0415Be aware that a job title alone is irrelevant to exempt/non-exempt classification.

  • Be aware that a job title alone is irrelevant to exempt/non-exempt classification. Labeling someone a “shift manager” does not mean he/she is exempt if he/she makes runs for supplies, starts work on a job site alone, or otherwise performs the work of a laborer.
  • Find out what kind of work your employees actually perform on a weekly basis. Regularly audit exempt/nonexempt classifications to ensure that they meet all the criteria established under the law. The key issue is whether exempt employees actually spend more than 50 percent of their work time on exempt tasks.
  • Consider whether an audit of your employee classifications is necessary. And if so, Sequoia’s Human Resource Management consultants can help.
  • When in doubt regarding an employee’s job classification, initially classify the employee as nonexempt and seek advice of counsel.

The information provided in this blog is intended for general information purposes only. Readers should seek the help of an HR professional for guidance on specific issues.
