Meet our Staff: Katy Hampton

SPS-Katy-Hampton-Blog-0115-dbKaty Hampton first joined Sequoia Personnel in 2005. After a hiatus caused by the awful economic downturn of 2008/2009, when she worked for SPS part-time at times, she returned to the company full time in 2011. And things look good. “I don’t think we’ve ever been this busy in December,” she says. She credits Kris Jason’s work in growing Sequoia’s labor markets, especially in construction, along with general good work by the company’s staff and better overall economic times.

Katy serves as the company’s full-charge bookkeeper. Among other tasks, Katy processes a payroll for a cast that changes, by definition, every week. When asked what that’s like, she replies “like herding kittens.” It surprises her how many people are not concerned about getting their timecards in and, therefore, getting paid. She estimates that she will produce something like 300 W-2 forms for people who worked for SPS at some point in 2014.

Katy values the family-oriented culture of Sequoia Personnel Services. It starts with owner Liana Simpson and extends to the entire group. As part of that, Katy’s daughter Lacie now works for the company. But her favorite aspect of working for Sequoia is watching people succeed…watching them come in as a person with no job to, a couple of months later, having a great job and loving it.
Asked what someone who met her would never guess, she says she “spends hours and hours playing Nintendo.” Katy also enjoys hanging out with husband Tom, her four kids and three grandchildren, all of whom are local to Humboldt.
